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Sunday, March 19, 2017


What we call Spring time in Arizona
is in full force. 

For the last few weeks I had avoided an allergy
related troubles.

Then I decided to sit outside for a few minutes ...
and BAM!

Sneezing...stuffy....watery eyes. 

Yep finally hit me. 

So this weekend I decided to stay inside and
stay out of our heat. 

It has been in the 90s and well this girl doesnt do well in the heat!

Maggie and Shelby seem to be getting along alot better.

Shelby is almost a year old but she still wants to play 

Here is a rare glimpse of them
getting along...all though this was
right before Shelby smacked Maggie.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Free Graphic March

This Christian life is NOT always and easy one.

But it is so worth it!

Where do we go to renew and grow our faith?

To his word!

The more we read and hear his word 

the stronger our faith becomes. 

and it grows and grows.

Please feel free to print out or share on social media.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Learning and Learning

As a kid I remember hearing my grandma say how fast time flies.
Being a kid I remember thinking
Christmas takes forever to get here.

What I learned.

The older we get the faster life goes.

I plan to enjoy this life.

Every minute God has blessed me with.

and I am learning a few things along the way.

I am leaning how to take selfies with a selfie stick!

I am leaning that windy day trips with the hubby are amazing!
Even if the lake is pretty dried up!
and if my hair is blowing and tickling his face.

I am learning that even when you are stuck in the mud
God is there to help out.

We were stuck in the mud and I looked out my window and said 
Hey there is a carpet out there.
Yes in the middle of the woods!

You see that carpet gave us enough traction to get out of the mud,

Oh how I love the Lord.
How I love this season in my life.
Even with all its trials.