Monday, December 31, 2012

bye bye 2012..hello 2013 and giveaway

Here is is...the end of another year...
2012 was a really weird year for me personally.

Not alot happening..but yet alot happening if that makes any sense. 

I never make resolutions...I just dont believe in them.
But I do need to pick my ONE WORD for the year.

Last year my word was DILIGENT. I did ok with it...but I believe I could have done better.

For one word is going to be JOY.

Joy in every situation
Joy that comes ONLY from my savior Jesus Christ.
Joy in helping others without a reward
Joy in speaking nice about others
Joy when there seems to be no answer
Joy when I am having a bad tummy day

 Have you picked you ONE WORD for 2013?
To learn all about it click HERE

Joy is a choice...not always an easy one.

Once you pick your one word
leave me a comment here.
I am going to make you something with that ONE WORD on it.
NO rules, just leave what the ONE WORD is.
I will pick a winner on January 13th.


  1. My word is listen, I will listen, before I speak. I will listen to my child, and I will listen to my husband, well sometimes lol

  2. My word for this year is "ENJOY".
    In the past I have spent so much of my time with 'worry' and 'provide' or 'caring' that I forgot to ENJOY myself while doing anything. This year will be a more fun year with tiny vacations, having fun in the garden, spending me-time in my craft studio, doing fun things with the grandkids and letting my children know how much they mean to me.

  3. My word is Appreciative. I want and need to be appreciative for all that my family and I have, especially from what I have seen in my life personally and in the world.
    Happy New Year!

  4. My word is Believe...I need to always believe in my Lord God, I need to believe that I am a good person and that I can achieve what I need to achieve.
    Be blessed

  5. My word is Trust. I need to stop obsessing over the bad things in my life, give them over to God & trust Him to take care of them.

  6. My word is LIFE. I want to embrace all that it is; the joy, the sorrow, the purpose and mystery of it all. And in doing so, pleasing the One who created me and gave His life for me!

  7. Mine is either going to be JOY or Faith.Hmmm need 2 words I guess.Like you I need to choose Joy but also need to stop depending on myself to get everything done and stand in faith that God is looking out for me and will take care of it.Warm Blessings!~Amy
