Saturday, March 30, 2013

He is Risen

Tomorrow I will be celebrating the resurrection of my Lord and Savior.

Easter has changed so much for me since coming to the Lord.

While I love, eggs, and the chocolate bunnies, it means so much more.

It means, I have eternal life, it means I can take every problem I have and leave it at Jesus feet,
it means I am not bound by sin and in bondage. It means I am taken care of, that I am His.

I am so Thankful that God loved me so much to send his son Jesus to die for me!

I will leave you with some flowers I have made..God Bless everyone and Have a great Sunday.


  1. Such a lovely reminder of the freedom we have in Christ. Have a blessed Eater.

  2. Amen! Well said! Easter blessings to you!!!

