Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anniversary, crows, and garden time!

Happy Wednesday all.

This week I have the WHOLE week of of work. I am taking advantage of every minute I have.
Boy I sure do get alot done when I dont have to work..LOL

Yesterday Hubby and I celebrated our 20th wedding Anniversary.

What has 20 years taught me:
Patience, Love deeper then I ever thought I knew, Learning that I dont have to be right, that there was someone made for me to Love me, to let loose of controling things, that hard times are better when they are shared, having a Best Friend all the time, Learning to let him lead our home, it is good to be a wife, knowing he Loves our kids with all he has, Most of all that Once we put God FIRST in our marriage anything and everything is possible.

John is truly a blessing to me!

Today the weather is nice! It is cool a little windy but the birds are chirping!
My youngest son and I have decided to try planting a garden.

This is what we are planting for now.
squash, watermelon,spinach,tomatos,and cantlope.

I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT have a green thumb! 
Sooo..Im going to do my best at helping our son, but these little plants are going to need lots of prayer lol

We have not yet decided where to put the garden, so we are starting in these little pots.
We have decided to do a raised box garden. Justin wants it on wheels to move around since summer in Arizona will be here soon and he can move them in and out of the shade.
( crossing fingers and toes LOL)
A BIG Thank YOU is over due.
A while back I WON some awesome crow things from 
Kendra at  The Stone House Prims 
 A crow pin, a crow stamp ( I have used several times lol) a neat notepad, and that is a stick pencil!

Again Thank you Kendra. If yall don't know Kendra you should pop on over to her blog and follow. She has ducks and awesome stories!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you picked fairly easy things to grow so you "should" be hard to kill squash and watermelon just make sure the watermelons get plenty of water or they take it from the inside when they are growing.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Happy Anniversary!!!

    I don't have a green thumb either.
    Now you know why I love my faux geraniums so much.

    Wonderful win!

  3. Wishing you a Happy Anniversary......can't wait to get out in the garden, lucky you already planting.......wonderful crow goodies from Kendra.....Blessings Francine.

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and many more blessed years to come!!! Good luck with your plants-love your crow goodies! ~*~Lisa

  5. Happy Anniversary! So nice visiting with you and sharing this special anniversary :)

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love how you shared about it. AND how you emphasized how important God is in a relationship.

    Blessings on your special day.

    Wow! Growing in Arizona- that's got to be a challenge-Green thumb or not!


  7. Happy Anniversary!!!
    I so wish we could start planting our garden ~ today we had an ice storm.
    Wonderful goodies you got from Kendra!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary! May God continue to bless your union and life together.

    I'm planting too and hoping for some kind of results. We have so many trees it's hard to get enough sun, so I'm planting in containers put in different places of the yard. (I'm hoping to keep them from being an eyesore! Ha!)

  9. Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on your cute wins:)

  10. Congrats on celebrating 20 years together!! I love your crow goodies.
    Wishing you lots of green thumbs for your garden.

  11. Congratulations. Hope you have multiples of 20 more!
    I haven't got a green thumb either. But I love flowers and home grown veggies. Good luck with your gardening. Just found your site at Sew Many Ways, Find a Friend Friday!
