Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finally...she sews

Good evening all!
Hope everyone is having a good week.

I had my niece and nephew over last weekend.
Zoe is 6 and has been asking me if she could learn to SEW since she was about 3.

So we worked on a precut, pre-holed, jean purse.

We had to use a REAL metal needle because the plastic fake one that it came with wouldn't fit through the holes in the fabric .

I said you have to promise Auntie you wont poke your eyes out LOL
She promised.

She kept saying over and over, "oh my gosh, I just can't believe I am sewing"
I think my heart grew 10 sizes!

Here it is all completed. All I did was put on the handles.
She took it with her to church the next morning filled with crayons. Telling all the ladies that she MADE and SEWED that!

She LOVES to craft like her Auntie that is for sure.

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for my giveaway!
Winner will be chosen tomorrow night.


  1. Fun and joy all rolled into one.
    Love sewing with my granny girl.
    My daughters were never interested.
    Woolie Hugs

  2. She is adorable.How sweet she took so much pride in creating.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Another crafty person in the making, you must be proud and she did a great job.
