Sunday, July 21, 2013

Where Bloggers Create..I'm late

Well...I am late.
Yep..very late...

I am joining bloggers around the world for 
Where BLoggers Create hosted by 
Karen Valentine at My Desert Cottage.

My craft room has not changed since last year.
So I decided to take a few pics and share.

First up is a huge entertainment center that I turned into my storage for craft things. It is not well organized BUT it works for me right now.

Then there is my invoice center hubbys laptop and printer. I bought a new computer with..wait for it..Windows 8..EEKK!!..and I can't print from my printer LOL

Next is my sewing area. always looks like a mess LOL

Next I am taking you outside. See that chair? That is drying station number one! LOL..Seriously, I have LOTS and LOTS of sunshine here in Arizona. I take full advantage of it.

Then there is drying station number 2, my ice chest LOL
Now PLEASE do not tell hubby! LOL I suspect he knows but just in case he does not lol.

Lastly, one of the best places that I get my inspiration. My swimming pool. I use my pool here from about the beginning of April into September. That is actualy swimming. I sing praises to Jesus while swimming and pray. I also ask the Lord to inspire me with things to make. 
The times of the year I dont swim I love sitting by the pool and making sketches of scriptures to stitch. It is very soothing to me.

A flag hangs outside as well. I do sit out front sometimes and watch it wave in the wind.
THe sprinklers? well sometimes they come on before I get my things inside from drying LOL
and those are some flowers that I am working on an order.

I hope you have enjoyed my little tour. I kept it as real as I could. Maybe a little boring but it works for me. :) Where do you create?

1 comment:

  1. I must say your craft area is a lot cleaner than mine ~ I would be embarrassed to show it!

    A true prim crafter ~ we'll find any place to dry our wares!
    Prim Blessings
