Saturday, September 28, 2013

Its a Snowman kinda day

Happy Saturday all.

I have been busy completing some orders for Snowmen nornies. I "think" fallish weather has come to arizona. It is still getting into the 90s during the day but at night it cools into the 60s. We can still swim in our pool its nice and cool but soon that will also come to an end.

As you can see below there are alot of them.  Lots of snowmen being made today.

This is one of my own designs and you can use them as tucks or ornies. They look so cute in person!

I also bought my first pattern from Chestnut Junction.
I say first because her pattern was so easy and oh my gosh I am in LOVE with this snowman. I will be buying more from her.

Isnt he just adorable!!  This pattern is called Shlomo 
You can find it here. shlomo pattern

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Love your little "snowmen"! They are so cute! Looks like you've been very busy!


  2. They are adorable! Warm Blessings! Amy

  3. Love your snowfolk tucks! Chestnut Junction is one of my favorite designers - and she has great sales! ~*~Lisa

  4. OOO, I feel cooler already! Love the snowmen, gonna' have to go check out those patterns. Thanks for sharing.

