Monday, October 21, 2013

Pay it Forward gift

I received a little white box today.

From someone in another state. I thought I wonder what I bought and don't remember.

I opened the box and the card read..
please arrive in one piece...
please arrive in one peace...

This is a PIF from Kendra.

It brought tears to my eyes. Isn't it beautiful!!!!!
Let me tell you, blogging friends are the BEST!
I just love this little egg.

Thank you Kendra it is so wonderful!!!!

You can visit Kendra's blog at The Stone House Primitives


  1. Phew! It arrived in one piece!
    So glad that you like it! Happy fall and happy PIF!


  2. Wow, how sweet is that? It's so pretty. Looks like you've been busy making your own pretty things as well. Enjoy your time crafting!
