Saturday, December 14, 2013

My snowman Love him

I wanted to share with you my snowman I got from

OK..isnt he adorable!!!

He has wool pants and makes me smile every time I pass him. :)

Brenda makes wonderful things. I am so happy to have one of her snowman.

I want to remind everyone about the SALE going on in my ETSY shop.

You can take 25% off the asking price until Sunday night.

There are many ornies and pillow tucks available.

I will be adding new things coming up in 2014. 
I am sooo excited.


  1. Oh, I can see why you love him, he is so adorable!

    I need to get over to your "shop" and go shopping! I just need a couple more hours in each day.


  2. Love Brenda's snow guy and your wonderful creations too! ~*~Lisa
