Saturday, January 18, 2014

Good morning ya'll

Good Morning.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

This morning I went to our ladies meeting at church. What a wonderful time in the Lord it was.

Decided to share the scripture with you that was read to us.

This is a picture of us driving up to northern Arizona last year.
Isn't is just beautiful!

I love this scripture. I believe all of us want to hear this for our Lord when we get to heaven.

Today is the last day to enter my giveaway.
I am doing very good with my word Believe. 
Satan has tried to knock me down a few times but I just say nope, I believe in my God!!

This week I will be sharing something the Lord has put on my heart for 2014. I hope you will come back and join me. 
I think it is something the Lord is tugging at my heart for a while about.



  1. BEAUTIFUL scripture...enjoy your evening hugs lil raggedy

  2. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with the Lord today. Yes, I hope to hear those words one day. I often find myself in a struggle wondering if I'm living my life for Him like I should be. I'm just so thankful he loves me and let's me keep trying! Have a great week.
