Friday, February 7, 2014

A Giveaway Celebration

Hello there my blogging friends.
Hope everyone is staying warm. Arizona has been nice the past few days
Highs in the 60s!

My Wonderful Folkarts and Primitives Team is having a 
celebration called

A Heartfelt Love Event

As you can see it is being held over at our Teams Blog.
What is the giveaway you say???
 Lots of members are giving away $5.00 to use in their ETSY shop!

We are so excited to share this with you.

Please pop on over and enter to win y clicking the link below!


1 comment:

  1. I can only dream of 60 degree weather right now. Most days I can't feel my toes! I think Heaven will be a constant 75 degrees with a couple of months of snow, a couple months of Fall color, and a couple months of flowers...then just rotate. Perfect!

