Saturday, March 8, 2014

Howdy March

March has arrived and with it brings lots of blooms here in my neck of the desert.
As a person with allergies that makes me go HACHOO!!!


So I try and get outside when I can and not for long periods of time.

Wanted to show you a pillow I made for a charity auction.

It is darker in person and so pretty.
I think I may end up listing in my ETSY shop for orders and making one for myself.

I took off last Wednesday from work and spent the morning with my hubby.
We went to Butterfly Wonderland.

I am always nervous about things flying around my head LOL.

 Can you see the pretty green one? It was the only like this and so beautiful

 There were alot of different black ones and I to say they were my favorite. They looked like velvet.

They had a few of these around. Yummy's for the butterflies.

Here is hubby with his favorite. It had the prettiest blue when it opened up. This little guy rode on his should for quite some time. And as you can see with the smile on his face, he didn't mind one bit.

I have to say it was a fun day for us. It was humid inside where the butterflies are. After about 30 min I was telling hubby I am an Arizona girl, I am use to dry heat!



  1. Love the cushion, so gorgeous. Thanks for the butterfly tour, they are gorgeous as well.

  2. Beautiful butterflies!

    LOVE your pillow! It's going to do very well at the charity auction :)

  3. Oh my goodness the green butterfly doesn't even look real. It's so beautiful.

    Love the way that pillow turned out!

