Thursday, May 15, 2014

Evening all

Good evening bloggers!
Boy oh Boy life has gotten very busy for me.

Has it for anyone else?

I have been busy making this for wholesale and facebook orders. I am so Thankful for them!!

I have been doing horrible on my eating. I mean horrible. So I am going to get back on my horse and try again.

I recently starting getting Eczema. Actually about 2 years ago and it has gotten worse.  I have no idea whats going on. Its annoying and itchy! Anyone out there who has it and has any advise please let me know would love to hear from you.

Exercising?? NOPE!! and that makes me so mad!! Again another horse I gotta get back on.

Why oh why do we let ourselves go back into the same ole same ole trap.

Oh yes, give it to Jesus. How I forget. I think I can do this alone. I can not. I need him every hour of every day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, life is busy here as well. Every day seems to hold its own events. Eczema is kinda like psoriasis, isn't it? I have heard that stress can trigger the condition. Praying for you. Thanks for the comment on my Abbey Garden Doll. Looking forward to seeing your Garden doll. Prim Spring blessings :)
