Sunday, July 6, 2014

Here it is July

I can't believe that it is July already. Man I so believe my grandma now. She use to tell me the older you get the faster it goes.  As a kid I so didn't believe her. I mean Christmas took a bazillion katrillion months to get there. Now I think its only a few months in between.

We had a quiet 4th of July. We went to our pastors home for a BBQ.
I miss seeing the fireworks but I was not willing to 
brave the crowds.

Our youngest turned 20. Yes my little Justin is now 20.

Justin is the one on the Left. Hubby John is in the middle and our oldest Damian is on the right.

I tell ya I am one blessed lady!

Photo: She loves being by me when I am sewing. I just love this kitty!

and then there is Miss Maggie. I tell ya she is the neatest kitty ever! Trust me when I say I am not an animal person. Hubby so is me eh..we have always had pets. Hubby loves cats. But there is something about Maggie that I just love. Maybe it is because she wants to be by me when I am sewing or blogging. Either way she is a keeper.
Photo: Working on some believe burlap pillows. What's on your craft table?

I have been a busy lady crafting. I bought there burlap pieces and I am making pillow tucks out of them I am way to chicken to put burlap through my computer LOL I mean PRINTER LOL

Photo: New Farmhouse towel I created using a print from Ewe-N-Me Printables.  If you like the print you can get yours here.

This is a decorative towel that I made using a graphic from Ewe-N-Me Printables. Isnt that sheep just darling?? I made the flower and put some pipberries in it. 
This will be available on the FAAP AUCTION HOUSE on July 14th.  You can search for  our group on facebook to be added.

I hope to not stay gone so long next time. 



  1. I hope Justin had a blessed birthday!
    Wonderful creations ~ I put muslin through my printer ~ sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. Some day I'll give it another try.
    Prim Blessings

  2. Hi....I believe I lost you for a bit! Thanks for writing. What are pillow tucks???
