Saturday, September 20, 2014

New stitcheries

Happy weekend everyone. I hope that you are having a blessed one.

I wanted to share my latest stitchery with you. 

It is one of my favorite scriptures. I designed it myself. :)

Growing up, my Grandma who raised me and my brother, had a sign with this on it hanging on her wall. it was the entire verse.

I remember she had it hanging right out in plain site and it was 3D ish and I remember dusting it and rubbing my fingers across it.

It a beautiful story in the book of Joshua.

I am also having a giveaway on my facebook page.

You can click on my facebook link on the right side of my blog. 
Like my page and comment on the picture.

I am finally settling into condo living. Hubby is liking NO yardwork except 2 little bushes he trims. Our condo is a 2 story. First time either of us have lived with stairs LOL Some days its god other days

The kitties have adjusted ok. They sleep on the stairs sometimes LOL. Have to watch when coming down them they do not move.

Hope you have a blessed week.


  1. Hi Cyn, I can't believe it, we're neighbors. I'm up in Kingman and I do believe that I'm the only person in town who does paper crafting.
    Your stitching is beautiful, great little accent for anyone's home.


  2. Beautiful stitcheries. Glad you are liking your new home :)
