Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall in Northern Arizona

Well..hubby and I took off on a day adventure up into the cool pines of Northern Arizona.

It was a cool day. Started out at about 67 degrees when we were in Oak Creek Canyon. 

We stopped a few times to take pictures and have lunch. This is a selfie taken by me. 
There is a creek that runs through this part and it was nice sitting outside
listening to the creek run.

Umm we did get lost a few times. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact hubby has the map upside down. :)

So off on a 3.3 mile hike in West Fork. This is the sign that greeted us. I love bears.
The soft stuffed cuddly kind. LOL

Oak Creek Canyon is near Sedona. Red Rock country. Trust me this picture does not due God's beauty any justice.
It is so much more deep red in person.

Now..this is me, crossing one of the creeks along our hike. 
I am not an outdoorsy kinda girl.
My shoe got wet twice.
and I grumbled ALOT. But I did it!

Then we headed north of Flagstaff arizona on a back road. We seen lots of baby mule deer. Hubby got some great pics. Will have to post them soon.
I love driving down these old woodsy roads.
It was 47 degrees here. I was about ready to turn on the heat!

Doesn't God make the most beautiful creations! Breath taking in person.


  1. Beautiful photos Cyn so glad you two had a great day. My dad always wanted me to go to Sedona, he thought I would love it there!

  2. Morning, such beautiful scenery Cyn. Thanks for sharing, Francine.

  3. Love all your pictures and LOL about the map! I am diretionally challenged so right side up or not wouldn't help me!
