Saturday, February 14, 2015

Only 28 days??

I think since February is a shorter month, things should be less this month.
I think your rent or house payment should be less.
Car payment, yep less.

But not everyone agrees. hummm Don't you think that would be awesome!

Arizona has been having spring like weather.
Which for me means Sneezing!
Everything is starting to bloom.

I have really been into making hearts as of late.
I really dont know why either.
This one above I really love with it's coffee stained cheese cloth.

I am loving this one with the brown tie on. 
I am also loving cheese cloth.

Don't forget I am having my drawing for my giveaway on the 16th!!!
Click the link below to head there.


  1. wonderful hearts!
    below 0 wind chills tonight...bbrr.
    spring sounds heavenly!

  2. Cute hearts!!!
    Enjoy your nice weather ~ minus the sneezing!
    It's been really cold here in WI ~ I just keep thinking spring!
