Sunday, March 29, 2015

Scripture Sunday

When preparing for this Sunday's Scripture ,
I was noticing around the social media sites alot of people are asking for healing.

There are those that are sick in body. Those who have loved ones that
are hanging onto their last breathe .
Those that are suffering from Depression.
Going through family problems.

 I myself have experienced this as well.

But I found the solution,
Jesus Christ.

He healed me, pulled me out of depression,
gave me peace about a loved one going home,
and solved problems with family.

The Lord is true to his word.
If he says he will he will.
Just keep believing.
Keep faith in Him alone.


  1. Cyn,
    Thanks for this uplifting post.
    Don't think it was an accident I saw it today, as my Mother needs healing prayers right now.
    Blessing s to you, my friend.

  2. So true, sometimes we forget as we get caught trying to take care of everything ourselves. He'll take all the burden if we just let him. Warm Blessings! ~♥Amy

  3. Beautiful scripture and design and sweet post!
