Sunday, May 3, 2015

Scripture Sunday

As a mom I use to worry about alot of things.
Especially when our boys were younger.

Now that they are adults, still at home Thankfully, there are times I still worry.
BUT I don't let Satan put Fear in me.

In times that I am scared, or Satan gets the best of me and I allow myself
to listen to him.
Going to the Lord's word
reading it,
hearing it,
and praying about it,
removes all fear.

Satan wants me to stay in constant fear of the "what ifs" in life,
But the Lord holds my future and last time I checked His word
I am in the palm of his hand and his word says
Thus Saith the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God. Blessings on your day, only He can create a day like this - and it's for us to enjoy.

