Sunday, December 27, 2015

January Giveaway

UPDATE: I corrected the date on my giveaway!!
Thank you for letting me know :)

Good Sunday Morning Bloggers.

I sit in a bit of a chilly house this morning.
Arizona has been really chilly this past week.

From what I can tell we have been more cold than yall that live out East.

It is currently 37 degrees outside and for me that is COLD!

We have been dipping down into the low 30's at night 
so I have had to turn up the heat a little bit here to keep warm.

Northern Arizona where the mountains are has been
getting some great snow!

I found a saying via Pinterest and I fell in love with it.

It so speaks to my heart.

In this life we go through trials and if we did not, we would not find our strength.
The strength that comes from knowing a merciful God.

This will be the first of many giveaways in 2016.

All you have to do to win is leave me a comment. 
Share if you would like but it is not required to win.

Thanks so much for following Cynzplace!


  1. Lovely thought! We've been warm here but supposed to change this week. I like seasons so of course I want my snowy♥Amy

  2. Beautiful. Well, up here in the western NC mountains the weather is crazy. Last Sunday it was 29* when we left for church - this morning, 64*. Our poor blueberry shrubs are flowering, my baby lilac is showing purple buds and as my neighbor says "we will suffer come January and February". Mr. Winter - bring it on - and don't forget to pack snow for us - LOTS of snow!

    Happy Sunday

  3. Hi Cyn, I love that saying, so beautiful..... Very cold here, but that is normal for us,-32, throw another log on the fire.Hugs Francine.

    1. i would love to have some snow really thought maybe last week but nope just cold wind.

  4. Cyn, your blog is lovely...right from your content and smiling face to the layout!
    Cold? Come visit me in Idaho sweetie, it was 3 above this morning instead of the -13 we had yesterday and not far from us our daughter's temp was -21 ;(
    Yup, like Francine said, throw another log on the fire!

    Bless you~

  5. Hello Cyn.... Long time no blog...But I am hoping somehow to change that this coming year. Hope things have been well in your world....and hope you've warmed up a bit. Old Man Winter is bearing down with full force tonight...snowing/blowing....we could get up to 8". Is it wrong to be over winter already LOL? Love the saying on the little tuck....It can be so difficult to be grateful for some of the things put on our plate...this lends great perspective. Hope your Christmas was blessed with magic and miracles...and wishing you a wonderful 2016. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. PS....I think you mean January 24, 2016 on your giveaway photo??

    1. lol..yep 2016!!!! I think that will stick in june :)

  7. What a sweet little pillow. Thanks for the giveaway!
