Sunday, January 10, 2016

Christmas Coming Down

I am not one to put up alot of Christmas things.

We live in a smaller townhouse and we don't have alot of room, 
but what I do put up makes me sad when it is time to put it away.

I love looking at the tree in the evening when all the lights are off and it
just radiates beautiful light.

As I was taking down the tree 
I took some pics of some of the ornaments on it.

I have a few of these all over the tree. 

Hand stitched For unto us a child is born.
Thank you Jesus!

This one was from my friend MaryJo. She moved back to her home state 
this past July and sent me a few ornaments. Isn't it pretty!

This one I have had for a while.
I LOVE tag ornaments!!

Is your tree still up? Do you take it down right after Christmas?
Either way I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!


  1. We begin on New Year's Day and I always feel depressed, it seems that November and December just fly by. I always keep one or two reminders up here in my craft room. This year it's my two new snowmen that I adopted. My room is my magical place, it can be December all year if I want it that way. To keep upbeat I start working on things for next Christmas in January. It's winter, cold, watching for snow - perfect for new ideas and projects.

    Merry New Year. Your ornaments are beautiful.

  2. De-decorating is a slow and painful process for me.... Not only do I miss the warmth of a home dressed for Christmas, but I do like the process ONE little bit! Why is it that nothing goes back the way it came out (even though each box has a little card reminding me what goes in it)???! I've started, but have a long way to go...and didn't even put up that much this year. Pretty pictures.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
