Friday, January 22, 2016

Holding Out For Snow?

I have noticed around blogland that some of you r are holding out for a huge snow storm?
Or a blizzard as some have called it.

Where I am we don't get blizzards, we don't even get snow.

It has warmed up a little.
Our days have been in the low 70's.

Which sounds wonderful except soon the A/C will be on full blast in a few months
and summer is NOT my favorite time of year here.

120 degrees...not my friend!

So I am going to share some "cool" 
pics from my past of Northern Arizona.
Where it does get snow.

This is one of my most favorite places to go in Arizona.
It is up near Flagstaff.

Believe it or not you can ski there.
( I do not ski but you can if you do)

This is also near Flagstaff Arizona.
This was fall a few years ago.
It was so beautiful to see!

This road I think I need to spend some time walking down.
Some time talking to my Jesus.

What a beautiful world He has created!

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