Friday, February 12, 2016

Thank you Giveaway

I wanted to share some wonderful things that I won from a fellow Blogger.
I love her things!

I won these from Yvonne over at Beth's Raggedy Attic Prims

She sews so well and these are just wonderful!
My mom loves angels so I am gifting this one to her!!

Thank You Yvonne!!!!

on a not so happy note...
Arizona decided to WARM up! 
And when that happens this chick gets sick!
Gets what I always called and allergy cold as a kid.

It is true so true.
Blah blah blah!

We are suppose to be 91 degrees next Wednesday!
This makes me very sad!
91 in July ok but February?!?

I am not happy about that at all.
I am not ready for the heat!


  1. Totally adorable! We would love some not-raining warmer weather here in AL. Send it our way, lol :)

  2. Thank you Cynthia for your share on my crafts. Hope you have a great day with family and your hubby on Valentine Day. God Bless!

  3. Really cute win! Weather's been crazy here in FL too - hot, cold, hot, cold. All the kiddos are getting sick:(
    Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day!
