Tuesday, July 26, 2016

It's been a While

Well hello there.

I took a short blogging break to work on some things for Etsy.

If you are still here....I am glad!

Summer is in full swing here in the desert of Arizona.

This is the time of year I want to stay inside as much as possible.

As an Arizona native I should be use to the 113 degree temps

day after day after day. 

But the older I get...the more the heat bothers me.

I have not traveled this great nation as much as I should have,

So I have no clue what state I want to live in if I ever move.

Just don't want heat...and I want rain!

What about where you live??

Would that be a great place?

Oh tell me about it!!
I'd love to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I've lived in Colorado and southern California. I highly recommend CO over CA. CO gets awesome thunder storms in the summer months. It will rain very heavily at times too. Of course that means in the wintery months there'll be snow instead of rain, and it will be cold. But the air is so much cleaner there too. I loved looking at the expanse of the Rockies in amazement at God's creation.

    We are moving to West Virginia soon. I hear they are having some very humid days right now. The beautiful countryside is worth some yucky summer days though! I can't wait to see WV in the fall!
