Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is it Fall where You Are?

All though where I live in Arizona, fall season doesn't come until much
later in the year,
I am wanting to decorate and pull out
every pumpkin  recipie that I can find.

let's just say that my Pinterest boards are filling up fast with
oodles of ideas!

This is one of my favorite fall items that I offer in my shop.
I love kitties and I love the pumpkin fabric.

I have been making some of these as well. 
They will be going in a big bowl and hopefully my kitten Shelby will agree
that they are to stay in that bowl.
Ha Ha.

For us..the days are still hovering around 104 degrees.
But the mornings are starting out a bit cooler in the 70s.

How is fall coming along where you are?


  1. WOW! I don't miss that AZ weather. Lived in Phoenix for 3 years back in the 80s. I just don't do hot. :)
    I am in western Washington state and we are starting to get fall weather...I think. LOL
    High 50s at night and 60s during the day. Sometimes the weather here isn't ideal with the humidity.
    I miss Utah/Wyoming weather :)
    I love your pumpkin kitty and the other items you made. So cool
    Take care, Janet W

  2. We had a few cool days,I thought Ahhhh Fall.. Now back up in the high 90's. I'm still easing into the Autumn mood. Hubby and the cashier at the store thought it funny that I wanted to protect the little pumpkin I bought.It had the perfect shape and stem.It was the first Fall thing of the year...smile... My Issaboo (beagle) likes stealing the bowl fillers and tucks as well. Warm Blessings!~Amy
