Sunday, January 8, 2017

What I learned in 2016

I don't know that Blogland has enough space for me to 
tell all that I have learned.

So I will share some biggies with ya.

I learned that I missed blogging. Even if it is only me reading it.

I learned that having a kitten in the house is wonderful 
and challenging. 

I learned that when one of your kids move out..
your heart isnt prepared for it.

I learned that living a Godly life in front of your kids does pay off.

I learned that a marriage can be such an amazing thing.

I learned that I will survive the Arizona summer heat.

I learned that building a wonderful business takes time and lots of work.

I learned that health is so precious and its time I remembered that.

I learned that if I stay close to matter what the world thinks..
He will be just as close to me.

Did you learn anything in 2016?

I'd love to hear!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2017 Cyn... Well, I can certainly relate to most of your lessons....I'll have to pass on the Arizona summer heat and building of a business....but in the other respects, we must have been living parallel years LOL. I hope your new year is filled with blessings and joys and brings you all your heart desires. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
