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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

where is the time going

It seems like facebook and orders have been taking up alot of my time.

Seems blogging has slipped my mind.

Which I don't like because I LOVE blogging. and I LOVE sharing and reading everyone blogs.SO I thought I would share some pics with you.

Seems Maggie likes sleeping near my sewing machine. LOL. I was working on a few friends gifts and there she is.

and then there is this whole CLEAN EATING thing I have been on for a week. Its a 30 day challenge. It is harder then I thought it would be. Here is our grilled peaches. Yummy!

Then there was camping. Oh I so love being outdoors, but not so much camping. We actualy got rained out and came home a day early.
and then there is always just plain sillyness! Zoe, my niece was showing ME how to work the webcam LOL. 

Then I had this quilt top just sitting around. My aunt and I put it together and gave it to a lady at our church who had knee surgery. She loved it!

So, that has been my world the last few months. Little bit of this and that.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about time, I haven't had time to read all my favorite blogs lately and am finally catching up now!
