Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bye Bye computer and the Winner! 10+ old computer finally died.  I think it had been wanting
to give out for a while but we kept babying it.
I can home from work on birthday..and it said no more.
So then we had to decide to we shovel money into this...or do we get a new one.
after much debate we decided on getting a new one.
The one that died was a desktop..I decided after talking with hubby yo get a laptop.
So it will be here Tuesday.

Mean while I have been using my sons laptop..I will confess laptops take ALOT of getting use to.
But with a connected mouse I do much better.

Now..on with the winner of my giveaway.
I had 11 comments..Thank you so much for everyone that entered.
I had my son pic a number this morning and the number is....6

The sixth comment is 
Lori from Apple Grove Treasures 

Congrats to Lori!!!
Lori please email me your address so I can get your surprise out to you on Monday.

I will do a post of what I am sending Lori once she gets it so I don't ruin the surprise.
Happy Weekend all.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Lori. Yes, a laptop is a bit different than a desk top. But once used to it, you will love it. Laptops are awesome :)
