Saturday, December 8, 2012

What ive been up to

Is it Just me OR is this year zoooming by??

My youngest son and I have been doing some deep cleaning and organizing.
Justin  has great patience for this unlike his mom lol
Here is my before pantry..
 believe me this is a mess LOL...

Here is the after..after tossin gold open food lol..looks pretty bare

Finally got my tree up..My niece Zoe who is 5 did most of it..LOL..hence certain ornaments are "put together so they can play" lol..I will be tweeking it
ALSO..I am turning 40 on December 13th..can you believe that!!!
SOO I am having a giveaway..will be my last one of the year..and it is a surprise!!
ALL you have to do is leave me a comment on this post and you are entered.
You can post on your blog if you wish..that would be wonderful
You must be a follower and new followers welcome!

I will pick the winner on the 14th!!


  1. Your pantry looks great, can I borrow you laddie, he does a super job and my cupboards are a disaster!
    Welcome to the 40's on the 13th!
    Hope your birthday is filled with much joy :D
    I'm a follower already of your's!

  2. People are going to be standing in line hoping that your son will grace their pantries as well : ) Love how your niece has the ornaments together so they can play : ) Happy Birthday a few days ahead of time! Please include me in your giveaway : )

  3. A clean pantry always makes me feel better. Though I don't enjoy that job. Good thing you had someone who wanted to do it!

    Zoe did a great job on your tree, that is soooo cute that she puts them together so they can play!

    Happy early birthday to you!

  4. Great organizing!!! Looks so nice :)

    Happy up-coming birthday!

  5. Can your son come organize my pantry?? Wonderful job.

    Love your tree & Zoe must be adorable. Putting ornaments together so they can play...giggles.

    Happy Early Birthday!!

    Enjoy your weekend~Becky

  6. Hi Cyn, thanks for stopping by my blog! My birthday is also December 13th..great day! (Although I'm a couple years ahead of you, lol:)
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway and I will also post to my sidebar. Thanks for posting mine, have a great day!

  7. Hi Cyn. I am already a follower. In will also post to my sidebar. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you :)

  8. Hi Cyn,
    Your pantry looks great! I really need to do this but I can't seem to find the motivation because it only seems to look like that for about a week if I am lucky!

    I received your angel and she's super sweet. See my post here

    Thanks so much!!

  9. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I think you're probably having a fun day today...and eating cake! I hope you are! Sweet birthday hugs, Diane

  10. Love your clean pantry - so jealous! My birthday is also the 13th...but alas, I am not 40 sigh...
    Happy Birthday!
