Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A mixture of things

Hope everyone is keeping warm out there!!!!!

I have seen on FB that some of you are just beyond my comprehention of COLD!!!

Please stay safe and warm!!

Sharing some pics.  Here are our two boys..Damian on the Left and Justin on the right at Christmas.
No I dont buy gift boxes lol and the kids know!
Graham crackers and corn dogs anyone. :)

Can you see Maggie? She sure did enjoy all the wrapping paper. :)

We don't drink at my house so whats a girl to do with wine glasses she received as a gift? 
Pudding of course! Oh so yummy!

Here we are at Christmas eve service. Our oldest had to work. So bummed.

Hope everyone is doing well with the ONE WORD for 2014.

Remember my drawing is on the 19th..
you can still enter just see the previous post.

Last Sunday at our church a guy sang a song about believing in the Lord. I just love how the Lord puts affirmation in my heart. I just love him so!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of your family..minus one! Looks like a wonderful Christmas!

