Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My one word Giveaway

Every year for the past few years I have done the One Word.
Works way better then making resolutions.

Last year the word I chose was JOY. To seek JOY in everything I do. Let me tell I failed miserably at finding JOY in exercising, eating right. 
BUT I had found JOY in cleaning my home, cooking, helping others.
For me cooking and cleaning with JOY was such a victory!!
Can I tell you how much it has strengthened my marriage and my walk with the Lord.

This year I prayed and prayed for the Lord to put something in my heart.
A few weeks ago he did. It is a word that so fits what I need.
Isn't the Lord wonderful that way.

Last night at our new year's eve pray in service the word came forth like a ton of bricks. I actually had to stop and write it down. 

Like everyone reading my blog..I struggle with things in my walk with God. It's ok he knows. He knew long before I ever knew and as always he has the answer.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to GOD must believe  that He is, and that He is a re-warder of those that diligently seek Him.-Hebrews 11:6

For 2014...My ONE word is BELIEVE.

See I bring prayers for others before the Lord and Believe that he will answer them.
But do I honestly believe he will answer mine. I seek him but do I believe he hears me.
In 2013 my family went through some hard things, just as yours did.
I prayed and some were answered and some were not, just like yours.
 I have been diligently seeking him but honestly not believing 100% that he would answer me.
Just like the scripture says... MUST BELIEVE THAT HE IS.

In the still small voice that I know is my father in heaven he whispered to me...Believe.

Believe that I will meet you financial needs
Believe that I will strengthen your marriage
Believe that I will heal your broken heart
Believe that you will be a part of Ayva's life ( our grand daughter)
Believe that you can become healthy
Believe that your business will grow
Believe that I have you in the palm of my hand
Believe that your children will grow in me 
Believe that I will fill you with my Holy Spirit with the evidence in speaking in tongues.

BELIEVE that I gave you victory in all these things and more at the cross where I laid down my life for you.
Writing this post brings tears and hope to me. Oh isn't it glorious when we hear from Him. I wish each of you were sitting right here with me, I so feel him tugging at my soul..Believe..Believe.

SO for 2014, I will Believe in my God as I have never before.

This year, just like last I am giving away something to help remind you all year of your One Word,  one of the Heart keeps like mine in the picture above. I keep that at my craft desk where I spend alot of time.

TO WIN, you must be a follower, comment on this post what your one word is. You can even share why if you would like. You get a BONUS if you share on your blog and another bonus if you share on FB. I have this on my cynzplace fb page you can click it at the top of my blog.  I will make it any color you choose or you can have the same as mine and the tag will have your One Word.
I pray that your One word helps you grow. Whatever that one word is.
I will pick a winner January 19th. 
 Thank you and God Bless you.


  1. Mine would be forgive.I'm a grudge holder and I have alot of baggage that needs let go of.Your post was very inspiring could tell you really felt that fire inside.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. LOVE!
    Wonderful post friend.
    Woolie Love & JOY in Him

  3. Lovely post Cyn, my word is Hope, we need so much nowadays.....please enter me in your wonderful giveaway, New Year Blessings Francine.

  4. Beautiful post. I need to constantly remind myself to count my blessings and stop complaining when I hit a glitch.

    I am a follower and my word for this year, well, it's actually two, letting go, letting go of tangible or emotional things that are messing with my inner peace.

    New Year's Blessings to you.


  5. I am a follower and enjo y your blog. My word for 2014 is BEST.
    Be the best you can in everything that you do.

  6. Since I was a winner of your last giveaway I am not signing up, I want others to have that chance to win
    But I want to tell you your post is Wonderful and I love your word, my word this year is HOPE, and I found great scriptures about hope
    you are so inspiring and such a wonderful person I believe that this is a GREAT word for you this year
    Luv U and Happy new Year Cyn

  7. My word would be a BLESSING! In order to receive one you have to BE on! Please enter me in your AWESOME giveaway!

  8. I was inspired by your post. I need to forgive and let go! So not sure what word I would choose? I am thing forgive! I would love to pray for you and ask that you pray for me!

  9. My sisters and I have always bought each other thungs that say believe! I love your reason! I am afollower of yiurs through google connect! I chose focus as my word last year! This year I posted on my blog the letter R! It kept coming to me! So I will repent, rejoice, relax, rejuvenate etc! Thanks for the chance at this giveaway! When I go to my other computer I will share on my blog! Happy New Year!

  10. What a wonderful Post!
    I have been thinking on this one before I seen your Blog Post. I have many words but there are two that I am going to focus on. Hope and Believe.
    I shared your giveaway on my Facebook page. (Sandi Allen)
    Happy New Year!

  11. Such a wonderful inspirational post! My word is faith--to always remember the Lord takes care of his children. I am a constant worrier! I am following your blog and will share on FB:) Happy New Year!

  12. My word would be hope. Sometimes that is all that we can do. Please enter my name in your giveaway. I will post to my sidebar also. Thank you for such a wonderful post, and giveaway :)

  13. Lovely blog! I only just found it, at Connie's and I will love to follow.

    The idea with choosing a word instead of making new years resolutions is great. I never thaught of it and I had to think very hard of what word I would choose. On my kitchen wall I have an embroidery of a prayer, and each time I look at it and read it, it fills my heart with gratitude and sorrow for my country. We have a history of seeking the Lord and also sending out missionaries to other countries but in the last decades people and government are turning away from God. I guess my word for this year would be PRAYER, so I would remember to pray for my country every day.

    I wish you a happy and blessed new year!


  14. love it! Believe indeed! thanks so much for parying for my neces husband, God is moving & I hope to be able to pu up an update soon

  15. HOPE...SOMETIMES that is about ALL we have left when we feel as if the world has beaten us down...BUT FAITH steps in and HOPE becomes NEW EVERY MORNING and HIS Blessings I see...
    As soon as I finish this, I will FOLLOW you (yep, creepy), I will Share on my blog AND I will also share on my facebook page!! LOL...AND I will even ADMIRE you on ETSY!
    I found you through Miss Brenda...

  16. I have chosen SURRENDER as my word this year. I have recently had some lifestyle changes due to arthritis & i am doing the best that i can to realize that i need to surrender to losing some of my independence. I know that i need to surrender, my frustration & depression, but there are some days that are just harder than others.

    My prayer is that ALL listen to what God tells us about our word.

  17. FULFILLMENT. May everything you attempt, finish, completed, or not, be fulfilling to you or the person you're trying to please.

  18. my word for the year would be "remember"...God did some amazing thing for us this past year! sometimes, when He was silent or working behind the scenes, i would pray for a little encouragement and sure enough, He would send some! everytime! things were really tough for me the last few months of 2013...and though my heart trusted, my mind would succumb to the enemy's lies, and i would become anxious and worrisome...i can be a bit of an Israelite, seeing a miracle one minute, and forgetting about it the next! this year, i want to "remember" that the Lord has my back, and He always has...i want to remember all He did in the past for me...i want to kill the anxiety as soon as it starts...i would like to have something in my home that says "remember" and put it where i can see it daily...and hopefully, i will remember. if i don't win, i will make one!! thank you for this giveaway and for allowing us to share! met you through Charlotte Fletcher! she's telling all her friends about you! i'm now a new follower!

  19. If I had one word to choose for 2014 to be a reminder of what I am supposed to be doing it would be....
    The reason being is that we should always be gentle towards others in our actions, responses, love, kindness etc. It creates a spirit of many things. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. Have a blessed day.


  20. Hi Cyn!! I Love your attitude!! And Believe is a great thing to do!! and a great reminder!! I decided not to go with a word but rather an action!! I am Practicing Random Acts of Kindness!! I am going to pay it forward and expect nothing in return. I have a couple ready to go. I do pray I start a spark. If I got a heart from you I would have you put "RAK" just to remind me to keep doing it. There is a verse in the bible that says don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing, so I will not be braggy about it but sometimes I get excited with what I do!! LOL Take care and this is a great post and giveaway!! And congrats on your likes!! YOU GO GIRL!! XOXO Love Fran.

  21. How beautiful! Believe was my word last year...what a difference it makes! Sweet hugs!

  22. Hi Cyn, hope all is well! My one word for this year is GRACE. I have become so overwhelmed with life since last summer that I decided to give myself Grace when I need it. I have to learn to say it's ok that I can't do it all and accept that I am only one person & human. Thanks so much for the chance:)
