That is what I was doing this weekend. Our church is small..but old, and filled with lots of broken things. Around Easter time, the Lord put on my heart to step up and get some things done. :) Don't you just love when the Lord leads you to doing things.
(image source unknown)
So Friday, my kids, hubby, aunt and uncle and me, headed over to tackle on of the childrens rooms. It is a room that has all the craft things in it (ahh my heaven)
BUT it had been used as an "oh just throw that in there for now" room.
It took about 3 hours to clear, and organize it.
No one quarlled, no one complained, we all worked together to accomplish this task.
Saturday evening, we went back over (minus hubby he had to work) and tackled the other 2 rooms.
Although the place looks wonderful, and clean, and everyone complimented on how great it looked..WE did it for the Lord! As humans its hard sometimes to do things just because the Lord asks us to.
Remember in ALL things..we MUST do it unto the Lord, for his Glory and NOT the praises of man.
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